September 2023 – Dr. Momen Heravi moderated the AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) grantee club meeting. This event highlighted the latest breakthroughs in cancer research, showcasing pioneering findings that are set to shape the future of oncology.


September 2023 – Kudos to our outstanding undergraduates, dental students, and high school scholars for successfully concluding their summer research projects.


August 2023 – Congratulations to Yichu! She’s a finalist in the Orban Competition at the AAP meeting. Don’t miss her upcoming presentation on double-negative T-cells!


August 2023 – We are thrilled to announce that our lab, has been awarded the R35 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This grant will support our research on exosomes, vesicles that play a crucial role in intercellular communication and have vast potential in diagnostics, therapeutics, and understanding cellular processes.

You can read about the award here.

June 2023 – The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) announced that Dr. Momen-Heravi is this year’s recipient of the IADR Distinguished Young Scientist award.

You can read about the award here.


June 2023 – Congratulations to Josh on his graduation from Columbia Engineering and his acceptance into the MD/PhD program at the University of Texas.


May 2023 – Congratulations to Alec for receiving the best research award at the 2023 Birnberg Research Day.


March 2023 – Congratulations to Nadia for the publication of her research at Clinical Cancer Research. Her paper titled “Molecular Subtypes of Head and Neck Cancer in Patients of African Ancestry” has been published in Clinical Cancer Research.

March 2023 – Dr. Momen-Heravi discussed precision prevention and treatment for oral cancer alongside Dr. Sook-Bin Woo at the Archard Symposium.
