November 2020 – We would like to welcome our Data Science Scholars (DSI) Rona and Jingyi in joining our lab!

July 2020 – Austin and Kathie joined our team! welcome!

July 2020 – Dr. Momen-Heravi presented at the Origin of Cancer Symposium at the Van Andel Institute.


April 2020 – Congratulations Nadia on being a CTOR finalist for her translational research and CDM research fellowship!

April 2020 – Our lab is awarded an NIH/NIDCR grant to study the role of innate immunity in pathogenesis of periodontal disease and type 2 diabetes.


March 2020 – The Momen-Heravi Lab is awarded the Translational Therapeutics Accelerator program from Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center to develop novel gene editing methods and biological therapeutics for treatment of lung cancer with KRAS mutations.

March 2020 – Dr. Momen-Heravi is Awarded the 2020 Anne D. Haffajee Fellowship from the American Association for Dental Research (AADR). Read the full news here.