December 2021 – Lab holiday party with collaborators and colleagues!


August 2021 – Lab summer retreat to celebrate our wonderful students and lab members!


July 2021 – Dr. Momen-Heravi presented at the University of Pennsylvania Perio Conference, sharing some of the latest findings of our lab regarding the role of innate immunity and macrophage signaling in periodontitis and type 2 diabetes.


July 2021 – Our lab in a collaboration with Dr. Alison Taylor received an R21 award from NIH/NIDCR to continue our studies of the genomic and transcriptomic basis of health disparity in head and neck cancer.

We would like to thank the NIH/NIDCR for their support and everyone for their hard work!


July 2021 – Our lab received the AACR-Bayer Innovation Award to develop an exosome-based delivery platform for treatment of lung cancer based on exosomes (lung-targeted safeEXO).


June 2021 – Congratulations to Austin and Carleigh for their new positions as Assistant Professor at A.T Still Arizona School of Dentistry.

It was wonderful to celebrate their success at the Oscar Wilde with its Victorian era decoration!


June 2021 – Congratulations to Lexi and Nikki to receive the 2021 Dr. H.J. Khurana Summer Research Fellowship

June 2021 – Congratulations to Penny for receiving the Excellence Research Award for her Master thesis on single-cell RNA sequencing of gingival tissue in periodontitis and type 2 diabetes.


May 2021 – Congratulations to Kranthi and Austin for presenting their research at the first Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer center (HICCC) Head and Neck Cancer Symposium.


April 2021 – April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. You can read Dr. Momen-Heravi’s and Dr. Yoon’s interviews here.

January 2021 – Our group was awarded the AACR-The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research “Science of the Patient” (SOP) Grant to study genomic and transcriptomic changes associated with head and neck cancer in minority populations of Black and Hispanics. You can read the full report here. We would like to thanks those agencies for their generous support.